octobre 20th

It's a bit messy here right now. The struggle to feed Summer is very tiring. It is going downwards again.

It feel scary because I'm afraid that I have to put her tube back in.
The week didnt feel right anyway. After all the trouble with the first pediatrician we ware lucky to have dr Walenkamp. But it's a shame to say that she is taking up a new study so there's a new doctor coming.

Making a face for the picture

Summer is doing okay, she wants to sit all day so we cant grab her hands and she wants to pull up. Her laugh is getting bigger and me sneezing is something to laugh at. She is the sunshine in our house.

It's nice when your sister reads you a story

Merel is getting a bit jealous. She tries to pull Summer of our lap and pulls her leg.


Copyright © 2001 Rob Breedeveld